🌀Every journey is the path to myself.👑
While i was in the state of being unconscious ( for decades), I was eager to travel anywhere , just to run away from myself; the desire was contagious from my 1st taste of abroad ( Visiting London in my 20s). Constantly floating away, between layers of illusions and programs inherited from the Collective and ancestors , i was standing in , trying to live…
Running away from- was the program i was for too long , unable to recognize. Whenever it was messy and hairy, just ‘Run Lola Run’-i.e. travel. My constant dream was to move out and start the brand new life.
It was short term happiness; once the sincere and concrete action i was about to take- i would self-sabotage myself. And , thus had no proper chance to be responsible and start a life somewhere else (for real!).
It was a pure struggle that continued when i anchored myself truly in my native country 🇲🇪
Even my dreams through years were connected to foreign countries, sites, places…
My soul was full of echoes from past lives, ( particularly ones from London and Arabic countries) and , consequently i easily communicate with the foreigners VS. my neighbors. Further more I enjoy writing in English that much , that it took me a decade to put Ž in front of my name, instead of Z(ana). This speaks volumes of me being Thorne, divided, not being Whole.
It strikes me about Ž that i have to clear it all up from within and to face it. It was me all the time: i chose this origin, this country and this life. That does not prevent me from enjoying the Journey, to “travel the World from the 7 seas” and accepting my nomadic tendencies; as long as i am not running away. And, in this moment of acceptance both sides of the story i felt tremendous joy, gratitude to my Soul for letting me realizing this: being free from striving to move myself from myself.
Than, in that moment of realization, i felt Freedom in much higher intensity that i was aiming for ( moving out).
Now, i can travel with eyes wide open.🌟
#everyjourneyisthepathtoyourself#everyjourneyisalovestory #iletmyselfgo #thorne