đ·Certified Human design counselor
â Human design analyses - to better understanding of oneâs conscious and unconscious parts , combining this amazing tool to pinpoint themes for clientsâ coaching .
đ·Certified Transformation Coach:
1. Emotional clearing process (ECP) counselor ,
2. Energy healing (Shamballa reiki practitioner, Reconnective healing
practitioner) ,
3. Goal setting and goal achieving coach
â âȘ Coaching sessions on 4 Pillar of Life scheme: health, abundance, relationship with others and career;
â âȘECPsessionsasper4PillarofLifescheme::health,abundance, relationship with others and career;
â âȘGoalsettingandgoalachievingcoachingsessions
â âȘEnergyhealingon4PillarofLifescheme:health,abundance, relationship with others and career; aura cleaning , chakra /meridian unblocking.
â âȘGuidedmediationandenergyexerciseson4Pillar
â of Life scheme: health, abundance, relationship with others and career;
đ·Certified Reconnective healing practitioner and practitioner of Personal Reconnection
â Reconnective healing sessions
â Personal reconnective healing sessions
đ· Certified Astrologer of natal, predictive, karmic and synastry astrology